Sono solo di passaggio dal blog, ma lascio una cartolina dalle vacanze...
mercoledì 19 agosto 2009
mercoledì 5 agosto 2009
Capita spesso che al primo appuntamento da un potenziale cliente, questi ti accompagni dall'ufficio alla fabbrica per mostrarti cosa fa la sua azienda. E' un aspetto del mio lavoro, questo, che ho sempre molto apprezzato: quello, cioè, di capire cosa c'è dietro ad un marchio, dietro ad un nome, dietro una campagna pubblicitaria.
In fondo anch'io sono molto orgoglioso di mostrare agli ospiti che (raramente) accompagno dall'Italia ad Eurosport Parigi la fantastica "control room" che dalla Francia coordina il segnale di Eurosport in tutta Europa.
In queste settimane sto incontrando diversi enti di promozione turistica dell'arco alpino per presentare la nuova e come di consueto fantastica stagione di sport invernali di Eurosport: oltre 1.000 ore di programmazione di sci alpino, salto con gli sci, sci di fondo, etc. Oggi - ed è la seconda volta che mi capita in un mese - un cliente mi ha portato con due funivie consecutive ad un rifugio a 2.100 metri e indicandomi un panorama fantastico mi ha mostrato la sua "azienda".
Certo, non ci sono le comodità di Milano ;-), ma come si fa a non apprezzare un appuntamento di lavoro così?
ps: la montagna della foto (grazie Fede) dietro di me oggi è facilmente riconoscibile?
Comuncazione Sportiva,
My Eurosport
martedì 4 agosto 2009
Eurosport's new FREE sports news and results iPhone application is taking Europe by storm − only days after it was launched.
Eurosport's iPhone application, launched 30 July, has more LIVE sports content than any other application in Europe. With LIVE results, breaking sports news coverage, player stats, standings and fixtures, the application leverages Eurosport's renowned editorial expertise and on-air and online excellence.
As of today the application has been downloaded over 100,000 times globally and now tops the most-downloaded lists in Europe, scoring superbly in major markets France, Italy (1st) and Spain, Germany (2nd).
The application, available for iPhone and iPod touch sets, is the only sports application available in 9 different local language versions.* It also includes an exciting international version available in any country in the world and sees Eurosport, Europe's leading sports entertainment group, extend both the brand and the group's digital footprint even further.
The application is fully customisable, allowing to fans to follow their favourite sports and to stay abreast of the exciting and fast-paced world of sport.
This innovative application sees Eurosport further its unique sports-entertainment brand into a dynamic area for sports media and technology, bringing Eurosport's high quality local and international sports coverage to a larger audience through mobile devices.
"We are very focused on building brand awareness and providing quality content across all media platforms," says Laurent-Eric Le Lay, Eurosport Chairman and CEO. "Sport and mobile are perfect partners and the iPhone application allows us to leverage the trust and reputation of the Eurosport brand and introduce our unique sports-entertainment offer into the vibrant mobile arena. It is a key part of our strategy to make our content available on all devices.”
Eurosport's application, available for free download on iTunes and the Apple Store, is fully Web 2.0 compatible, enabling users to interact and exchange information on social media platforms such as Facebook.
* English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Swedish, Polish, Russian and Chinese
Note: Eurosport's iPhone application is designed by Backlight
Eurosport's new FREE sports news and results iPhone application is taking Europe by storm − only days after it was launched.
Eurosport's iPhone application, launched 30 July, has more LIVE sports content than any other application in Europe. With LIVE results, breaking sports news coverage, player stats, standings and fixtures, the application leverages Eurosport's renowned editorial expertise and on-air and online excellence.
As of today the application has been downloaded over 100,000 times globally and now tops the most-downloaded lists in Europe, scoring superbly in major markets France, Italy (1st) and Spain, Germany (2nd).
The application, available for iPhone and iPod touch sets, is the only sports application available in 9 different local language versions.* It also includes an exciting international version available in any country in the world and sees Eurosport, Europe's leading sports entertainment group, extend both the brand and the group's digital footprint even further.
The application is fully customisable, allowing to fans to follow their favourite sports and to stay abreast of the exciting and fast-paced world of sport.
This innovative application sees Eurosport further its unique sports-entertainment brand into a dynamic area for sports media and technology, bringing Eurosport's high quality local and international sports coverage to a larger audience through mobile devices.
"We are very focused on building brand awareness and providing quality content across all media platforms," says Laurent-Eric Le Lay, Eurosport Chairman and CEO. "Sport and mobile are perfect partners and the iPhone application allows us to leverage the trust and reputation of the Eurosport brand and introduce our unique sports-entertainment offer into the vibrant mobile arena. It is a key part of our strategy to make our content available on all devices.”
Eurosport's application, available for free download on iTunes and the Apple Store, is fully Web 2.0 compatible, enabling users to interact and exchange information on social media platforms such as Facebook.
* English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Swedish, Polish, Russian and Chinese
Note: Eurosport's iPhone application is designed by Backlight
Comuncazione Sportiva,
My Eurosport
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